Friday, July 12, 2013

It's only a month away, from the 5th Annual Greenport Skate Park Festival! We couldn't pull off this event without the help of volunteers! If you can spare a few hours the day of and/or before the event to help out please email us a or call 724.205.9033 We guarantee a great time and endless karma points!!! Fundraising & Marketing: *Soliciting In-Kind Donations for Raffle & Prizes *Soliciting Fiscal Sponsors *Picking up In-Kind Donations *Posting fliers of the event in key community locations! Labor: Helping repair & paint skate park in preparation of the event Day of the Event: *Setting up / Breaking down Event Tents *Music Coordination *Artist & Vendor Coordination *Selling raffle tickets *Ground control (security) *Judges (skate event) *Photography of the Event *Clean-up of Skate Park and polo fields after the event